Water tanks

The children in Lundur (3-4 years old) have been talking about where the water comes from and they were all sure it comes from a water tank.

We research some water tanks and found these two in our town:

They knew the old one was empty because we had already gone and check it. Some children wanted to go again and some wanted to see the other one. We decided to vote on the matter. We took pictures of both tanks and the children voted by putting a block next to the picture they wanted to see.

The big colourful tank won this voting by 8 points against 2 points.

This tank is a bit far from our school so we had to take the bus to get there. When we got out of the bus we were not sure if we going the right way. One girl said she knew it was right because she could smell the water tank smell. We all took a deep breath and guess what! we could smell it too.

We followed the water tank smell and walked further. After few minutes we saw it! A big beautiful watertank.


We knocked on the tank to see if we could find out if it was full with water. but we could not hear anything. The tank was very hard and it is probably empty. But we saw a water pipe that went down the tank. But was empty as well


Then we saw a strange lid with some letters on it. The children asked the teacher to help them read it. Is says “VATNSLOKI” which means waterlid. So we wondered if the water goes down the waterlid and through the ground and in the watertank?

When looking at the pictures on the watertank we saw it has water painted on it. The children agreed that this was a picture of the sea but it was strange because it has three different colors of blue and they did not agree if the sea really has so many colours.



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